Artichokes, volume with tender core

I am always skeptical about artichokes. The innermost leaves are tough. They have to be scraped by the teeth to eat the tender parts. 

When I see a fresh delivery at the greengrocer’s, I can never resist. It was the same with yesterday’s purchase. I have rarely bought such large specimens. So I was all the more surprised that the quality was also excellent. The cooking time is always a challenge I find. Most of the time it takes an hour until the artichoke is ready to eat.

I like a classic vinaigrette or sour cream with herbs. Who knows, maybe the next time I go shopping I will find such wonderful pieces again. 

Artichokes with vinaigrette

Artichokes tough and tender
Artichokes tough and tender

Wash the artichokes. For preparation in the steamer, fill a collecting tray 2/3 with vegetable stock. Place the artichokes in the steamer. Cook in the steamer for approx. 60 minutes, depending on size. For preparation in a pan, use a pan with lid for the same procedure. 

For the vinaigrette, mix 8-12 tbsp. olive oil, various chopped garden herbs, 5-6 tbsp. vinegar, 1 tbsp. mustard, salt and pepper well. Add also 2-3 tbsp. of the vegetable stock.

When the artichokes are soft (the lower part must be soft, prick with a knife and test). Take them out, put them on plates and serve the vinaigrette with them. If you like, you can also serve Sour Cream with herbs at the same time. 

Shopping list for 4 serves

  • 4-8 artichokes
  • olive oil, 8-12 tbsp.
  • white balsamic vinegar, 5-6 tbsp.
  • salt, 1 dash
  • pepper, 1 dash
  • garden herbs, 1 bunch each (parsley, basil, thyme, lovage and tarragon, mustard, 1 tbsp.
  • 2 cups of sour cream

This artichoke recipe will certainly please you. We still have the OllO World travel app. Have a look there, too. 

The Chef’s Handyman Team wishes you a good appetite.