Chef's Handyman Pumpkins

Chef’s Handyman Pumpkins

Welcome fall, there is a huge selection of small, large and heavy shapes of pumpkins available. My favorite season to cook. I’m keen on hearty food, especially with an Eastern touch. What about rose petals or Persian lemons? I love the flowery taste of the roses and the bitter taste of the dried Persian lemons. Cinnamon opens the heart. Therefore, I love to share this delicious recipe. Have a try.

Stuffed pumpkins with an Eastern touch

Hollow the pumpkins out. Apply olive oil on top. Bake them in the oven at 200°C or 400°F for 50-55 minutes. It depends on the size of the pumpkins.

Cook 4 portions of rice in a rice cooker, steamer or in a pan until cooked through. Soak a dried Persian lemon in water. Chop an onion. Heat olive oil in a large pan. Add the onion. Grate a fresh turmeric root or add turmeric powder. Add the rice. Prick the Persian lemon on each side and place it in the middle of the rice. Chop the chili and the peppermint leaves. Add raisins or dried cranberries, pomegranate seeds, roasted pumpkin seeds, 3 dashes of cinnamon, salt and black pepper. Combine all ingredients and simmer on low heat.

Chef's Handyman filled pumpkin with an Eastern touch

Chef’s Handyman filled pumpkin with an Eastern touch

When the pumpkins are soft, take them out and fill them with the rice. Garnish with herbs and rose petals.

Serve the pumpkin with plain Greek styled yogurt or vegan yogurt. Garnish with pomegranate seeds, peppermint leave, some drops olive oil and pistachios.

Shopping list for 4 serves of the filled pumpkin with an Eastern touch, 4 small Hokkaido pumpkins, or other small edible pumpkins, 2-3 cups white rice, 1 turmeric root or 2 tsp. turmeric powder, 1 chili, 1 pomegranate, 1 Persian dried lemon, 1 bunch fresh peppermint, olive oil, 1 onion, salt, black pepper, 0.5 cups pumpkin seeds, 5 tbsp. pistachios, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 0.5 cups raisins or dried cranberries, 10 dried rose petals, 2 cups plain Greek styled yogurt, or vegan based yogurt.

Bon appetite, enjoy the filled pumpkin with an Eastern touch, yours Chef’s Handyman team.